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Birthing Your Authentic Voice 

Last week, my friend asked me a profound question: “What was happening when you were birthing your authentic voice?” The answer I gave was concise yet barely scratched the surface of the transformative journey I embarked upon. Today, I’d like to share with you the deeper truth of my experience and invite you to a remarkable retreat that can help you discover and birth your own authentic voice. 

The process of bringing my authentic voice into the world was an embodied one, involving the release of somatic blockages that had accumulated over a lifetime of conforming to external expectations. The energy flow, akin to the coiled serpent in the Yogic kundalini tradition, moved from the base of my spine to the top of my head, sweeping away the repressed thoughts and emotions that had held me back. It was an act of reclaiming my truth from the shadows of self-doubt and seeking approval from others. 

But remember, your experience will be unique. Each of us carries our own set of challenges and gifts. I invite you to join me and Forrest Wilson in a half-day retreat, “Birthing Your Authentic Voice into the World,” where we’ll create a space for you to explore and embrace your true self. 

Please see here the message from Forrest, who is in The Netherlands only for this month. What a treat to be co-leading this experience with him! 

Hey folks!  

Nice meeting you here and in this way.  

Nadja and I met this last year participating in a year-long journey together exploring collective coherence, collective emergence, and what’s next for humanity. We seem to share passions for working with the unified field, supporting people and teams to flourish, and being available for what life is inviting us into in service of creating a more beautiful world.  

Recently I had the pleasure to stay in Nadja’s home, the same home where we will host this gathering, and on the last morning of my stay, Nadja and I shared a profoundly mystical and healing moment together. 

Nadja and I share and debrief this experience on my podcast together. You can find our recording and hear more about what unfolded here.

The key takeaway is the process culminated in Nadja Birthing her Authentic Voice. It was an honor and a sacred privilege for me to witness, and afterwards Nadja reached out to share an invitation for bringing this possibility to more people.  

I feel so much aliveness and enthusiasm for this possibility, mostly because of my passion for seeing people walk around in the world being embodied examples of our True Nature.  

For me, life gets so much more interesting when we let go of who we pretend to be and give in to who we’ve always been deep down all the cultural conditioning, stories, traumas, and identities we pretend to be.  

The rest of my enthusiasm seems to be in relationship to having a chance to do a half day retreat with Nadja. We have such a potent and palpable field we hang out in and I always feel nourished, energized, and recreated being in her presence. You can certainly get a taste of that on our podcast recording if you decide to check it out.  

We invite you to join us in August if you’re feeling lit up by this invitation. I’d love to meet you and invite your passion and aliveness to resource and be resourced by the field that’s coming together.  

It would be an honor for me to get to be with you in this way. 

If you feel an impulse, please share this opportunity with anyone you sense might be a resonant fit for the upcoming gathering.  

Look forward to seeing you in August! 


As Marianne Williamson eloquently puts it in her poem.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

This retreat aims to illuminate the brilliance within you, empowering you to let your light shine bright. 

During the retreat, you’ll shed limiting stories and connect with your innate power. Through immersive activities and expert guidance, you’ll tap into your unique strengths and unleash your authentic voice. It’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, a step towards becoming the most genuine, impactful version of yourself. 

Imagine a world where all voices are heard, where authenticity reigns, and transformation is celebrated. Together, we can co-create this reality. Join us on August 17th in The Hague for this life-changing experience. 

🗓️ Retreat details 🗓️ 

Date: Thursday, 17th August  

Time: 13:00 CET  

Location: Monsterseweg 15a, The Hague  

Investment: € 600,- 

Additional 1 to 1 coaching: Package price: € 800,- 

For this event we have limited space; only 4 more spots available. There are 12 in total. Secure your place now to embark on this unforgettable journey of self-discovery and transformation. Let’s birth our authentic voices into the world – resounding with love, compassion, and purpose. Looking forward to welcoming you in my home – it’s time to thrive! 🌈💫 

With love and excitement, 

Nadja & Forrest

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