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Love Change For Sustainable Tomorrows

Many organizations are paralyzed by the misconception that it is not feasible to become truly sustainable. 

You don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help!


Trusted by

The HeartWork




Unconditional acceptance and wishing yourself and others well. Work intentionally with and from the heart.​



In stillness you get to know yourself on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical level. Which leads to wisdom.​



You cannot share wisdom if you don’t have the courage to be your authentic self.​



Trust yourself and others. Rediscover connection with nature and that life is there for you.​



Transforming yourself and the system you are in from the heart.​

HeartWork consults on change management with focus on leadership development and strategic transformation.

We support individuals, teams, organisations and industries to make a sustainable impact.

  • Through coaching, training and mentoring, we help you grow your wisdom and move courageously towards your purpose. By answering: where are you now, where do you want to go and what do you need to get there?

    Learn more

Discover our services

We can support you to discover which service will make the most impact

Frame 6895

Executive Board Coaching

Frame 6896

Leadership Development

Frame 6897

Strategic Transformation

Frame 6898

Growth Mentorship

Meet our purpose-driven team

Ready to embrace change?

Sign up for our mini course to kick-start your journey or reach out directly to get started