“What the heck is going on?” Between the recent U.S. election results, the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the endless misery in Afghanistan, it’s easy to wonder. It’s like everywhere we turn, there’s more to make us throw our hands up in despair. But I believe we can use this as a call to action—a call to turn inward and ask: “What can I do?”
“The man who says he can and the man who says he can’t. Are both correct.”
We have a choice. We can let hopelessness wash over us and give in to the perspective that everything is just too much to handle. Sure, it might feel easier to give up, to let go of the effort. But is that really a choice?
Somewhere deep down in us we probably know that this is not an option. Or, we can wear ourselves out fighting things we just don’t have the power to change. Burnout and exhaustion are real risks if we take on battles that aren’t ours.
So, where does that leave us? Wisdom comes in here, reminding us of our circles of influence. Wisdom counsels us to choose our battles carefully, to focus on what’s actually in our control. This is where our sense of agency lives. What do we truly have influence over? It starts with ourselves.
What thoughts and emotions am I choosing to tune into? It’s not about stopping thoughts and emotions – that’s like trying to prevent the rain from falling and the clouds moving through the sky. Simply said, an impossible task. But we can choose what we tune into. Because thought and emotions lead to behavior and actions. What words and actions am I choosing to put out into the world?
Sometimes it is very tempting to think:” Why bother doing anything if everything’s going to hell anyway?” These are thoughts that can trap us, pull us down into a pit of depression and misery. But what if we looked at the other side? We still have agency over our words and actions, even in a chaotic world. So, what do we want to stand for? What do we want to put out there?
Do you stand for peace? Do you believe in connection, love, trust, and respect? Do you care about Earth and all life on it? Look at the natural world—the whole universe, really. On an atomic level, everything is connected by attraction and love. Atoms come together to form molecules, molecules come together to make DNA, and here we are, living out this amazing thing called life. It’s all built on connection.

So, let’s find our peeps. Let’s get into community with others who care about what we care about, who lift us up. It’s so easy to spend endless time talking about what’s going wrong. But actions really do speak louder than words. So, what action can you take today—big or small—to make this world a bit more welcoming? Not just for humans, but for all beings on this Earth.
Courage shows up here, too. Facing hard stuff, stepping up even when we don’t know where it’s all going—that’s courage. It’s about leaning into trust, knowing that if we come together, if more of us decide to stand up for life and future generations, we can actually make an impact. And here’s where freedom comes in: the freedom to choose how we respond. No matter what’s thrown our way, we still have the power to decide our response. That’s a fundamental freedom that no one can take from us.
My invitation to you. Ask yourself: What kind of community do I want to create or join today? What actions and words can I put out there to make this a better world for everyone? This is our moment to choose what we stand for. Let’s make it count.
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