This case study illustrates a large multinational company struggling with issues related to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion, engaging HeartWork for help. In collaboration with SoulStructures, who facilitates the constellation work, HeartWork initiates the process without a predefined strategy. Instead, they use constellation work—an experiential method that explores unseen dynamics within organizations and systems. This process offered the team a chance to uncover hidden relationships and patterns that often shape decisions unconsciously..
The leadership team—composed of formal decision-makers, informal leaders, and highly engaged employees—gathers for a session that feels different from their usual meetings. This isn’t about numbers or policies; it’s about confronting deeper organizational challenges.
Resulting company commitments at a glance |
1. Time for alternative thinking
The company commits to having its leadership and passionate employees dedicate 3% of their time to developing alternative stories and scenarios. This translates to 4 hours per month spent in HeartWork-facilitated brainstorming sessions. These sessions are designed to encourage thinking beyond current limitations and business-as-usual practices, considering Earth and Future Generations as stakeholders, while honoring the practical need to pay salaries. ![]() |
2. Investment in innovation
Recognizing that “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” the company sets aside 1% of its net profit to develop and test inclusive and sustainable business models. Employees are invited to submit innovative ideas, which are curated by the CFO, sustainability managers, innovation managers, and engaged employees in collaboration with HeartWork. Board-approved proposals move through a lean start-up cycle to develop Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for testing and implementation when successfully meeting the hypotheses criteria. ![]() |
3. Purpose-driven leadership journeys
Leaders across various divisions commit 5% of their time to ensuring that actions align with values in a way that feels authentic. On average, leaders dedicate 7 hours per month to: –1.5-hour personal leadership group sessions (twice a month) –2 hours of reflection and concept development with peers –2 hours to pass on learnings to their teams The result is the implementation of actions that are both sustainable and inclusive. ![]() |
Mapping the hidden dynamics
The session begins with representatives stepping into different roles within the company’s constellation. Earth stands at the center, representing the planet and its resources. Future Generations take their place, embodying those who will inherit the company’s actions. The Company itself, along with its Suppliers and Customers, also has a presence. Together, they create a living map of the company’s ecosystem.
From the outset, there is noticeable tension. The formal decision-makers, tasked with steering the company, feel the pressure from the expectations of everyone involved. Earth and Future Generations stand as constant reminders of the responsibility the company holds—not just to its shareholders, but to a broader community. Informal leaders, often working behind the scenes, find themselves unsure of their place within this evolving picture, while engaged employees look on, sensing the gap between the company’s ambitions and its actions.
The constellation highlights a disconnect. While the company sets sustainability and inclusion as key goals, the reality shows that there is still a distance between their aspirations and day-to-day operations.

A shift in perception
As the session progresses, movement within the constellation begins to reflect a shift in the team’s perspective. Customers, initially positioned apart, begin to draw closer, as if seeking alignment with the company’s evolving direction. Suppliers, who had been standing at the edges, move to bridge the gap, recognizing their own role in supporting the company’s journey toward sustainability.
Meanwhile, Death and Rebirth—a concept often avoided in business discussions—moves into the center of the constellation. This isn’t about literal endings, but about transformation. It becomes clear that for the company to fully embrace its goals, it needs to let go of certain outdated practices and mindsets. The presence of Death and Rebirth symbolizes the need to make room for new growth and ideas.
The Company itself shifts toward the center, joining Earth and Future Generations, acknowledging the need for greater alignment with its broader responsibilities. As this shift occurs, the leadership team begins to see the potential for moving beyond business as usual, embracing a more interconnected and long-term perspective.

Recognizing what’s missing
Just as the group begins to feel some resolution, Earth expresses that something is still missing. It becomes clear that the company’s journey cannot be completed without including Community. When a representative for Community is added to the constellation, things start to fall into place, yet the picture still feels incomplete. There is a sense of stuckness.
That’s when Universal Wisdom enters the constellation. Its presence brings clarity and a sense of purpose, helping the company see beyond immediate challenges. Universal Wisdom becomes a guiding force, connecting the various roles—Earth, Future Generations, Suppliers, and the Company’s Highest Aspiration—in a more cohesive way.
With this final piece in place, the leadership team recognizes that their work isn’t just about meeting business objectives. It’s about contributing to a larger ecosystem, one that serves not only their company’s needs but also those of the planet and future generations.

Key insights
- Letting go of the old: The constellation reveals that to move forward, the company needs to release certain outdated structures and ways of thinking. The presence of Death and Rebirth emphasizes that transformation requires letting go of what no longer serves.
- Inclusion and connection: The introduction of Universal Wisdom connects all parts of the system, providing a clearer sense of purpose. The leadership team realizes that inclusion isn’t just about diversity within the organization but about being part of something much larger—serving Earth and Future Generations.
- Balanced leadership: The constellation highlights the need for a balance between traditional leadership roles and more nurturing, inclusive qualities. Formal decision-makers are encouraged to embrace both strength and receptivity, while informal leaders and employees are invited to step into more active roles.
Outcome and commitment
The session leaves the leadership team with a renewed understanding of their role within a broader context. Sustainability and inclusion are no longer seen as strategic initiatives but as core values that need to be fully embodied throughout the organization. They commit to fostering a culture of openness, deep listening, and continuous reflection—essential practices for navigating the company’s transformation.
The team also recognizes the importance of building stronger relationships with their stakeholders, moving beyond transactional interactions to create a sense of shared responsibility. They leave the session with a sense of direction, knowing that this journey will require ongoing commitment and reflection.

Next steps
HeartWork continues to support the company in its transformation by facilitating:
- Community Circles: Regular gatherings where employees and external stakeholders can come together to reinforce the company’s commitment to sustainability and inclusion.
- Training the Trainer: Equipping internal leaders with the skills to sustain and nurture the transformation within the organization.
- Continuous Reflection: Through peer-to-peer groups and quarterly reflection workshops, the company remains adaptive and aligned with its evolving aspirations.
The constellation session, facilitated by SoulStructures in collaboration with HeartWork, allowed the leadership team to uncover the hidden dynamics within their organization, bringing clarity to the disconnect between their sustainability and inclusion goals and their current practices. Through this experiential process, the team gained a deeper understanding of their broader responsibilities to Earth, Future Generations, and the community. By embracing transformation, letting go of outdated practices, and aligning their actions with core values of sustainability and inclusion, the company is now better equipped to lead from an emerging future. Working with a diverse range of partners, like SoulStructures, enhances our ability to bring unique perspectives and expertise to foster meaningful change.
This journey is far from over, but with HeartWork’s support, the company has set out a clear path, focusing on innovation, community involvement, and leadership development. The commitment to continuous reflection ensures that the company will stay adaptable, always aligned with its highest aspirations.
Get in touch us to explore how we can help your company transform. We are looking forward to hearing from you.