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Power to the people – can rebelliousness accelerate the sustainability transformation in companies?

It feels like there is a new energy manifesting in the world. One around “power to the people”.

For instance the Extinction Rebellion on the A12 (people blocking major highways in the Randstadt of The Netherlands), strikes in the distribution centers of Albert Heijn (large supermarket chain in The Netherlands) for better pay, strikes of script writers in Hollywood for better working conditions and people gluing themselves to the asphalt of major roads in Berlin, Germany to protest against the political complacency with the planetary crisis, it seems like the grip of top down structures is loosing its hold on people.

Could this activist energy also accelerate the sustainability drive of businesses?

Instead of companies complying with the external regulations (ESG’s, CSRD, SDG’s, CSDD, Fit for 55, etc.) to maintain the license to operate, and dragging their feet in swamps of vested interests and old structures, will corporate people themselves initiate a more radical change?

The various companies we have worked in and with had their fair share of employee sparked initiatives. From small scale like replacing plastic cups at the water cooler with mugs. To shifting the company focus from simply ship building to become the most sustainable shipbuilder in the world, building all electric tugboats and so on.

However, activist energy is more confrontational by nature.

It usually triggers resistance with people that are still sitting on the fence and who need more time to get in gear for the coming change.

That’s why nowadays leaders need the qualities of humility and vulnerability of servant leadership. To be able to listen so much deeper than ever before. Because everyone goes through change at their own pace. The safer the space that leaders can create for the transformation, the faster people can relax into that change. The result? A quicker transformation towards sustainability.

This blog is based on the Heartwork newsletter, 12th of May 2023. Would you like to read more inspiring content?

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