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What is your dream for sustainability?

We all know that a paradigm shift is needed.

According to science, 36% of all land based mammals are humans. That’s quite a big number and one of the contributors to the multiple planetary crises we face. It becomes really staggering when we look at the amount of animals that are farmed to be killed and eaten by humans, which are about 60%. Just 4% of all mammals living on the continents are wild animals such as rhinoceros, elephants, capricorns, marmots, giraffes, kangaroos, and so on.

Source: /r/Vegan – the largest vegan community online

So let’s try something different. Imagine a world where sustainability is first and second nature to everything we do. How we live, how we conduct our business and how we raise our children.

If you can visualise it,
if you can dream it,
there’s some way to do it.

Walt Disney

Imagine a world where humans live with reverence, in reciprocity and balance with nature. What would that look like?

To make this dream for sustainability more practical and tangible, you may use this Wheel of Sustainability to assess where you stand at the moment. Feel free to download and draw in it. With this you can evaluate how satisfied you are with the 6 sustainability elements of your life, business or the organisation that you are working in.

Wheel of Sustainability by
Wheel of Sustainability by

How well are the sustainability efforts financed at the moment?

Rate your satisfaction with a 10 if you feel that your organization is putting all necessary resources into making sustainability second nature in the way it conducts business.

Is sustainability fully taken into account in the way that the company

  • sources only regenerative components in the product or service that the business is generating?
  • designs products modular so that the components can be reused?
  • makes the value chain circular?
  • purchases via a supply chain where the human rights are lived and respected?
  • operates its environment in a way that all life is treated with reverence and decency – including plants, minerals, and animals?
  • treats its people with inclusiveness and kindness?

How happy are you with the sustainability aspect of your career?

Give that a 10, if you feel everyday you go to work you contribute for example to a little piece of biodiversity being preserved. Let’s say your work preserves 10 square meters of rainforest that contains 40 different species of flowering plants, 18 different species of trees, 10 species of birds, 2 species of reptiles and 3 species of butterflies.

Biodiversity on 10 square meters of rainforest

How much fun do you have with sustainability in your business?

A 10 could be if at work are for example

  • DIY upcycling projects initiated.
  • eco-friendly cooking classes offered as team outings.
  • nature walks with your colleagues.
  • ongoing green team challenges to reduce your carbon footprint, increase recycling rates, or come up with innovative ideas to reduce waste.
  • community work like tree planting, beach cleanups, or habitat restoration projects happens during breaks.
  • celebrations of milestones and achievements in the company’s sustainability journey.

How much personal growth are you experiencing through sustainability efforts in your organisation?

The planetary imbalances are a mirror of the imbalances in ourselves. Consequently, we also need to pay attention to our inner development goals.

Rate this a 10, if you feel that sustainability has encouraged you to

  • lead authentically with influence rather than mandated power.
  • widen your circle of influence.
  • learn new communication skills that create engagement.
  • stand in your strengths.
  • live what is important to you.
  • work with your pitfalls in a constructive manner.

All of our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney

The power to make our dreams a reality lies in all of us who have understood the urgency of the planetary crises. It is the true spirit of humankind. The crises invite us all to dream big. Separation is an illusion; please realize that everything is connected and you are not on your own. In isolation we might feel that we are a drop on a hot plate. We may ask ourselves: “What difference can I make?” When we connect to others who dream about sustainability the way we do, there are perhaps several 100 drops. Imagine that we talk about our dreams and inspire others. That creates many 1000’s of drops. And when those people start dreaming and inspiring others, 100.000 drops create a waterfall that can effectively cool down the hot plate.

We all know that thoughts follow words. And words follow actions. That is how we manifest our dreams. So dare to dream big and speak them out loud. And if you feel like it, please share your dreams for sustainability with us. We would love to hear from you at sendlove at heartwork dot earth.

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