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What type of leadership do we need?

The carrot, stick, whip, gold, money, and/or rules? The world we live in today seems to be characterized by these leadership styles. And they don’t appear to foster sustainability or regeneration.

One could say new leadership styles are dearly needed. Which is something you are fully aware of as a sustainable impact-maker 😊

Leadership development programs support new and incumbent leaders in taking a step back and assessing what works and what doesn’t, and subsequently choosing a new approach if needed. However, what really works?

The Harvard Business Review has come out with a new study on the success factors of these programs that drive real, positive and lasting impact. Amongst others, the following factors stood out:

  1. Focus on whole-person growth. Address the person as a whole and not just in the professional realm.
  2. Provide opportunities for self-reflection and meaning making. By taking a step back and reflect on your purpose, not just focus on improved work-methods.
  3. Don’t underestimate short, intensive programs. A short deep-dive into yourself can have the same or even greater benefits as a longer program. Taking up less time and resources.

That’s spot on with the leadership programs that we offer at Heartwork!

As Albert Einstein once said:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

This blog is based on the Heartwork newsletter, 7th of April 2023. Would you like to read more inspiring content?

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