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Do you find purpose in your job?

Follow your purpose – hasn’t that been one of the most hyped statement in the last few years or is that just our perception? But what does it actually mean and how is it connected to system change that enables sustainability?

Define Purpose: an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world. Serves as a kind of North Star that points you the way even when the going gets tough.

At Heartwork, we believe that true sustainability comes from your heart, your intrinsic motivation, where you deeply connect with yourself. And from that arises a natural desire to preserve this planet with its beauty and biodiversity for generations to come.

In that context, competent leadership is an absolute necessity – personally, at work and intergovernmental, as the World Resource Institute clearly demonstrates with this comprehensive data dashboard on what is needed to stay within the 1.5degC global warming target.

How about your purpose –  is it already crystal clear to you, or a little flame burning somewhere deep inside you. Whichever it is, the question arises, what do you do with it?

Do you align your life with your purpose, or is it one of the many projects in your life? The younger generations are known for looking for a sense of purpose in their jobs. They are even willing to accept a lower salary as long as the company’s purpose aligns with theirs.

Nadja and Laura share their views on aligning with purpose in your job in the video clip below.

This blog is based on the Heartwork newsletter, 20th of November 2022. Would you like to read more inspiring content?

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